Are your resolutions really just wishes for 2023?

As I strolled through Facebook, Instagram and my other social media this morning, I see tons of cool images and memes.  Most simply say 'Happy New Year' in a cool and pleasant way.  Some add a greeting such as; 'I hope 2023 brings you Health, Happiness and Reward'.  Images such as Fireworks, a dog holding a streamer, many animals wearing decorations, videos and so on.  I think you mean well - in a true spirit - but really how much effort does it take to find a cute meme, add a generic message to a social media post and click send?

Sure it is a bit negative, but isn't that where our society has headed?  How many Christmas cards did you send or receive this year?  How many people picked up the phone at Midnight and called you?  Twenty or so years ago, I would receive and send upwards of 30 cards, this year I sent none and received 2.

Yes, I'm just as guilty of the 'easy' social media way out!

While these thoughts are genuine and well received, I really noticed one that said "I don't bother with New Years Resolutions - they never come true."

I think this meme spoke more of a wish than a resolution.  

We all hope (or most of us) for Health and Happiness, some more hope for riches, others hope for WorldPeace, and so on.

The difference being that a resolution - is essentially a goal.  Whether it is to loose weight (like me), to start a business, quit smoking or anything else worthwhile, a resolution requires a plan.

You wouldn't travel to a far-way destination without a roadmap, GPS, or a plan, digital or otherwise.  The same applies to creating a successful resolution.  Create your goal, figure out how to get there and follow the plan.  A worthy resolution requires a serious plan.

Resolutions come in all shapes and sizes.  

They can be selfish, or not.  

They can be altruistic or not.

Regardless of the goal, make sure you are planning - like a roadmap - to successfully get to your destination. And follow the plan!  

I know, this is starting to read like a self-help book, written by an amateur, but - in reality - these are what I must do each year to successfully accomplish my own personal resolutions.

Those times I have failed to convert the 'wish' into a resolution are the same years I have failed to create a plan.

There is room for the well wishers, and greetings, and there is room for the plain old greetings, but I and anyone who wishes to be serious about improving their world or the world around them, really do need to make a solid resolution with a plan (and then follow that plan).

If you are a high school student, and want to improve your grades or graduate from a college or university, maybe the plan is to study an extra 30 minutes a day.  Make sure you actually set the extra time apart to do that.

If your resolution is to help a single or separated mother get back on her feet, see what they need first and then set up a plan - with them - on how to acquire or supply what they need.  Just giving them 'stuff' may not be what they really need.  Maybe they don't know how to create or follow a budget, maybe they just need a toaster, but you won't know without direct communication and a plan (simple or otherwise).

As a friend often says to me: "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail."

For those making an earnest resolution, regardless of the outcome; I hope you plan and execute to the best of your ability.  Make your goals and resolution realistic.  

For those making a New Year's Wish; Happy New Year, hope 2023 bring you all you deserve.

Photos © Colin Clarke
