I'm writing this today because of how serious this is. Right now, in the USA - there is nothing more pressing than the need to stop this senseless killing.
As a survivor of the 1975 St. Pius X school shooting myself, I have seen the horrors of what unbalanced people with a gun or firearm can do to a school, society or community. While, yes, I am Canadian, I also have many friends, family and acquaintances in the States and all are really worried about their families safety.
According to a CBS study done in 2016, Americans stand a better chance of being shot than any other civilized country in the world.
What has to be done needs to hit politicians where it counts, hurt big and small business alike, force parents, faculty and teachers to get involved, and virtually take the entire country by storm, in a non-violent way.
David Hogg, an American student who survived the Florida School shooting last week has a BIG, BIG voice on Social Media, has been on television several times, needs to take a lead here.
When a study such as the CBS one mentioned above shows simple numbers and facts (this is not fake news either people, CBS actually vetted their news before publishing it), something needs to wake up these politicians.
This isn't about President Trump, or Civil Rights, or changing the Constitution, it is about stopping the sale of weapons to those who mean to use them to kill other American Citizens.
Now get on your cell phones, text your student body, send messages and organize across your country - only YOU can do this.
Like Trump says "Make America Great again" However this time it's meant to stop people from killing other people.
As a survivor of the 1975 St. Pius X school shooting myself, I have seen the horrors of what unbalanced people with a gun or firearm can do to a school, society or community. While, yes, I am Canadian, I also have many friends, family and acquaintances in the States and all are really worried about their families safety.
According to a CBS study done in 2016, Americans stand a better chance of being shot than any other civilized country in the world.
- The firearm homicide rate in the US is the highest in the 23 countries studied.
- The total homicide rate is the highest
- The suicide firearm rate is the highest
- The total firearm death rate is the highest
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Photo by Fabrice Florin from Mill Valley, USA - Tam High Vigil for Parkland School Shooting, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66578038 |
Time for Real Action
But nothing can be done until the students - starting with those at Parkland HS - and others who are laying down on the White House lawn, decide to organize more than mass protests until gun controls are in place.What has to be done needs to hit politicians where it counts, hurt big and small business alike, force parents, faculty and teachers to get involved, and virtually take the entire country by storm, in a non-violent way.
Organize one school, one class, one business at a time.
- Students in HS should refuse to attend class - across the entire country. You all have twitter, facebook, instagram, snap chat and more. Class Presidents' need to organize their student body. Don't go back until something is done. You need to ask the politicians why you are risking your life by attending school? More armed guards are not the solution, they are a band-aid.
- Take this time to march on your local Capitol Buildings, City hall, federal State building in a non-violent march. Call it a March for Life!
- Protests and marches need to happen across the country - every day. Get Noticed!
- Do not use public transit - this will hurt the pocketbooks of city-run transit. Don't think your City Hall doesn't carry some weight in Federal politics - they do. Imagine New York with no one under 20 riding the subway, taking a bus, this is millions of dollars a day not going into the city coffers - they will get involved!!!
- Do not buy any high end devices, smart phones, apps, downloads of any type, software for desktops or laptops, music, video's etc. Get Apple and the big computer companies to put some pressure on Capitol Hill.
- Don't go to the movies or theater. Get Hollywood even more involved. They can put a lot of pressure on Politicians.
- Students in Colleges and Universities can hold weekly walk-outs to march on their legislature demanding changes to gun laws.
- Parents need to support their kids. Bring them lunches from home (no restaurants), drive them to rally points, walk with them, listen to them, support their call to action.
- Use Social Media to drive other people to the movement, and keep it up!!!
- Be firm, do not give up until something is done.
- Don't argue with the NRA lobbyists, this just adds fuel to their fight, ignore them. The truth speaks for itself. Gun violence is up, School shootings are becoming more common, students are now dying at an alarming rate - the numbers show it. All the NRA and pro-gun people can't change these facts.
David Hogg, an American student who survived the Florida School shooting last week has a BIG, BIG voice on Social Media, has been on television several times, needs to take a lead here.
When a study such as the CBS one mentioned above shows simple numbers and facts (this is not fake news either people, CBS actually vetted their news before publishing it), something needs to wake up these politicians.
Hit 'em where it hurts the most
The key to success is to hit them where it hurts the most - in their butt! (actually the wallets sitting on their fat butts). When money talks, bull-crap walks. If you can force big business to act, the various Cities, Municipalities and State legislatures to take action, this will force the Federal Government to act, sooner or later.This isn't about President Trump, or Civil Rights, or changing the Constitution, it is about stopping the sale of weapons to those who mean to use them to kill other American Citizens.
Now get on your cell phones, text your student body, send messages and organize across your country - only YOU can do this.
Like Trump says "Make America Great again" However this time it's meant to stop people from killing other people.
Good blog.