I don't consider most of the people I know or deal with fanatics. There are a few (almost fanatics), but most people - I believe - are open minded about life in general, except - it seems, when it comes to politics!!!
That being said, I often appreciate dealings with polarized individuals - because - simply put, you always know where they are coming from, no (or few) surprises.
In fact there are few real fanatics in my world. But some people tend to act like it. In particular, those who are staunch "Left Wing" supporters and others who are firm "Right Wing" supporters.
While I am happy that people take the time to learn about politics, understand how government works and get out to vote, I am also concerned about how partisan they seem to have become - supporting only 'Left' or 'Right' Wing policies. I really feel that today there needs to be a lot less partisanship, both in government and in the populace as a whole.
Friends and acquaintances I know on the 'right side' of the political spectrum can find fault in anything done by the left side, but never by the right. The same goes in reverse.
These screen captures are a compilation of news that both Left and Right wingers post on their websites/Twitter/Facebook/Soc Media feeds. Some are fake, meant to incite the opposite side as a call-to-action or even to instill fear in a segment of the population. Some try and shift blame, and some just try to create a false atmosphere or non-event. Those posting them are absolutely sure they are doing the right (or left) thing and the rest of the world should wake up and believe what they say.
What the author of this post is trying to say is this: If there was evidence that Pesticides were really bad wouldn't it have shown up that cancer rates have fallen since pesticides were banned?
What he doesn't say (or possibly know), is that cancers can take years - even generations - to show up, and that cancer rates won't rise or fall from human changes for likely a full generation. Results from these type of interactions or intercessions will take 20-30-40 years before solid results will be seen. It has been 7 years since the pesticide ban!
Analogy for those who take everything literally: Really - it's not like if you smoke a cigarette on day 1 then develop cancer on day 7!!! Heck our Security Guard was 82, smoked all his life and died from liver failure, not a speck on his lungs. Does that mean people should ignore the threat from smoking cigarettes? Heck no, they will kill ya - likely some day! But the results are not instant, it takes time for the cancer to develop, just as it 'might' for those who inhaled pesticides and herbicides for years.
So his entire post is bogus. He is claiming (later in the post) that cancer rates have gone up or stayed the same since the pesticide ban happened. How narrow minded!
Here's the next Right Wing fanaticism: This is an anti-Trudeau post, indirectly saying that Trudeau's policies will cause Canada to have similar riots and vandalism such as those in England and France. The claim is that if we allow immigrants into our country, this is what we can expect. No one seems to have broken the news that the PC's allowed in just as many immigrants as the Liberals on a yearly basis, and the 25,000 Syrian refugees that came here in early 2016 were arranged by PC government.

Here's the Leftist one I must laugh at the most: After the Brexit vote, I saw tons of posts and columns calling for the next major recession in Great Britian. They were claiming the stock market would fall, the country would be in a recession, violence, rioting and eventually wars would likely break out. England would become a third world country and more. Yes, the markets fell (for a day or week or so) but have since rebounded to higher than 'Pre-Brexit' England. Did a recession happen? No! Has the country gone over the barrel into Niagara Falls? Not even close. Very little bad has come of it, and very little will result when they leave.

Of course, this never happened, just as Trump's claim that all Mexican's were rapists and terrorists never happened. He was mis-quoted and this deliberate (yes deliberate) mis-quote took on a life of it's own and thus fueled the left-wing propaganda machine.
What I am saying is simple:
Open your eyes, don't believe everything one side says or the other side says, both sides have an agenda and seem to be unwilling to put the agenda aside for the benefit of humanity.
I am a moderate Right Wing person. But when I say moderate, I do mean moderate. There are left-wing policies I disdain and left-wing policies I agree with. There are right-wing policies I like and others I simply don't want any part of.
To end this tirade, I leave you with a variety of images showing just how easily truth can be twisted to suit the writer, reporter, facebook user, or social media guru.. enjoy - but try not to cry too hard.
And yes LG, commas can be used - but please, don't, over, use, them, in, every, sentence, you, write! (you are not James T Kirk!!!)
That being said, I often appreciate dealings with polarized individuals - because - simply put, you always know where they are coming from, no (or few) surprises.
In fact there are few real fanatics in my world. But some people tend to act like it. In particular, those who are staunch "Left Wing" supporters and others who are firm "Right Wing" supporters.
While I am happy that people take the time to learn about politics, understand how government works and get out to vote, I am also concerned about how partisan they seem to have become - supporting only 'Left' or 'Right' Wing policies. I really feel that today there needs to be a lot less partisanship, both in government and in the populace as a whole.
Friends and acquaintances I know on the 'right side' of the political spectrum can find fault in anything done by the left side, but never by the right. The same goes in reverse.
If a "lefty" feeds a homeless man, the right complains that 'lefty' fed him too much - making him dependent on the state.
If a 'righty' feeds a homeless man, the leftist says 'righty' didn't give him enough and offers him free room-and-board to boot.
Since the advent of Social Media, this partisanship has grown exponentially.
Now if only they could convince everyone else!
I'll start with this one: A social media post from a public figure and someone I actually admired at one point:What the author of this post is trying to say is this: If there was evidence that Pesticides were really bad wouldn't it have shown up that cancer rates have fallen since pesticides were banned?
What he doesn't say (or possibly know), is that cancers can take years - even generations - to show up, and that cancer rates won't rise or fall from human changes for likely a full generation. Results from these type of interactions or intercessions will take 20-30-40 years before solid results will be seen. It has been 7 years since the pesticide ban!
Analogy for those who take everything literally: Really - it's not like if you smoke a cigarette on day 1 then develop cancer on day 7!!! Heck our Security Guard was 82, smoked all his life and died from liver failure, not a speck on his lungs. Does that mean people should ignore the threat from smoking cigarettes? Heck no, they will kill ya - likely some day! But the results are not instant, it takes time for the cancer to develop, just as it 'might' for those who inhaled pesticides and herbicides for years.
So his entire post is bogus. He is claiming (later in the post) that cancer rates have gone up or stayed the same since the pesticide ban happened. How narrow minded!

I'm not anti-Right wing - I have anti-Left wing posts here too

Here's the Leftist one I must laugh at the most: After the Brexit vote, I saw tons of posts and columns calling for the next major recession in Great Britian. They were claiming the stock market would fall, the country would be in a recession, violence, rioting and eventually wars would likely break out. England would become a third world country and more. Yes, the markets fell (for a day or week or so) but have since rebounded to higher than 'Pre-Brexit' England. Did a recession happen? No! Has the country gone over the barrel into Niagara Falls? Not even close. Very little bad has come of it, and very little will result when they leave.

But wait - there's more:
The right wingers are not the only ones who play with words and twist the facts, the Lefties do also. Here's a recent story that a major newspaper released as a joke, but people believed it whole heartedly and it made it's way around the Twitterverse.Of course, this never happened, just as Trump's claim that all Mexican's were rapists and terrorists never happened. He was mis-quoted and this deliberate (yes deliberate) mis-quote took on a life of it's own and thus fueled the left-wing propaganda machine.
What I am saying is simple:
Open your eyes, don't believe everything one side says or the other side says, both sides have an agenda and seem to be unwilling to put the agenda aside for the benefit of humanity.
I am a moderate Right Wing person. But when I say moderate, I do mean moderate. There are left-wing policies I disdain and left-wing policies I agree with. There are right-wing policies I like and others I simply don't want any part of.
To end this tirade, I leave you with a variety of images showing just how easily truth can be twisted to suit the writer, reporter, facebook user, or social media guru.. enjoy - but try not to cry too hard.
And yes LG, commas can be used - but please, don't, over, use, them, in, every, sentence, you, write! (you are not James T Kirk!!!)
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