So we're all a few days away from finding out if Donald Trump's method of campaigning will land him a seat in the Oval Office.
As I look out over social media sites, I am finding the screen full of comments degrading Trump. There are almost as many lambasting Hillary Clinton. This campaign has been anything but boring.
Personally I think it's a little naive to think that one can insult almost every category of voter and expect enough of them will vote for you. However, in two weeks we'll know for sure if the new method of campaigning will work - and who it works for.
This election is all about who can insult and damage the reputation of the other one better. Both Trump and Clinton have taken the low road, with very little real discussion of future plans, ideas or any real discussion about fixing America's problems.
Next he said he will stop all immigration by Muslims to the USA until they can figure out why so many are radicalized and how to keep them out. I was sure this was the job of Homeland Security and The Immigration Department.
Now while it's possible, even likely, that there are holes in those respective departments and some radicals may slip through, most of the violence and terrorism in the USA has been by 'homegrown' American citizens - radicalized - but born-in-the-USA none-the-less.
However, this hasn't stopped Trump from spouting his immigration phobia's. He plays into the hands of those who have been yelling for years that the 'immigrants have taken our jobs'. Again, this isn't really true. Most of the jobs that have left America are not due to immigrants stealing jobs for lower wages, these jobs are going to other countries - contracts awarded by large American corporations..
China - for example, can build an smartphone (for example) for $10 each, whereas in the USA, with higher wages, benefits, taxes, transportation costs, inter-state tariffs etc. it would cost 10x that much (or more).
"The Donald" isn't talking about these things, if he was people might sit up and listen. He's spouting rhetoric that gets people angry, and angry people do things. When was the last time a bunch of really happy people, where everything is perfect decided to protest?
Let's face it, the system in the USA is broken. Corruption is everywhere, people can be bought and paid for to get what big business wants, what developers want, and more. We hear about it all the time, but we've become so numb to the facts, that we forget about it instantly.
Anyone remember what the name of that town in the USA that large corporations dumped chemicals and a large percentage of the inhabitants got cancer as a result? No? Not surprising since there are multiple examples of this.
Yes, the American system is broken. Can Donald J. Trump fix it? Not likely. If Trump goes against big business, they will destroy his financial empire. Even if he does win this election - in 4 years (I doubt he would last 8!) he'll be back in the private sector. If he opposes the almighty dollar, he might be looking for a job also.
Can Hillary Clinton fix it... not on your life! However, she may be the lesser of two evils and actually pave the way for an intelligent businessman to get involved - someone like an American version of Kevin O'Leary or Jim Balsillie. These are self-made people, both intelligent and hard working. America needs a politician that isn't afraid to challenge the system, and is willing to use the system - to fix the system. That isn't Trump - unfortunately for him. But yet - he may get elected.

For all of you out there, I am afraid to say, but I sincerely doubt that Donald J. will be your next President. However, the Cubbies are playing for the World Series and may win - so miracles (or disasters) can happen.
Come on Cubbies! Better late than never.
As I look out over social media sites, I am finding the screen full of comments degrading Trump. There are almost as many lambasting Hillary Clinton. This campaign has been anything but boring.
Personally I think it's a little naive to think that one can insult almost every category of voter and expect enough of them will vote for you. However, in two weeks we'll know for sure if the new method of campaigning will work - and who it works for.
This election is all about who can insult and damage the reputation of the other one better. Both Trump and Clinton have taken the low road, with very little real discussion of future plans, ideas or any real discussion about fixing America's problems.
Let's have a look at the campaign in a little depth shall we?
Donald started his campaign for the Republican nomination by telling voters that he will build a wall between Mexico and the US to keep illegal immigrants out. I guess the border police just are not doing their jobs!!!

However, this hasn't stopped Trump from spouting his immigration phobia's. He plays into the hands of those who have been yelling for years that the 'immigrants have taken our jobs'. Again, this isn't really true. Most of the jobs that have left America are not due to immigrants stealing jobs for lower wages, these jobs are going to other countries - contracts awarded by large American corporations..

"The Donald" isn't talking about these things, if he was people might sit up and listen. He's spouting rhetoric that gets people angry, and angry people do things. When was the last time a bunch of really happy people, where everything is perfect decided to protest?
Margaret, life is too good, let's get our friends who have great lives and march on The White House, demanding life become shitty.NEVER gonna happen! Things change because people are moved by emotion in one way or another. Trump elicits emotion! Never mind that he has not said a single word about how to fix the real problems. Trump is banking on people getting pissed at the system and voting him into office.
Let's face it, the system in the USA is broken. Corruption is everywhere, people can be bought and paid for to get what big business wants, what developers want, and more. We hear about it all the time, but we've become so numb to the facts, that we forget about it instantly.
Anyone remember what the name of that town in the USA that large corporations dumped chemicals and a large percentage of the inhabitants got cancer as a result? No? Not surprising since there are multiple examples of this.
Yes, the American system is broken. Can Donald J. Trump fix it? Not likely. If Trump goes against big business, they will destroy his financial empire. Even if he does win this election - in 4 years (I doubt he would last 8!) he'll be back in the private sector. If he opposes the almighty dollar, he might be looking for a job also.
Can Hillary Clinton fix it... not on your life! However, she may be the lesser of two evils and actually pave the way for an intelligent businessman to get involved - someone like an American version of Kevin O'Leary or Jim Balsillie. These are self-made people, both intelligent and hard working. America needs a politician that isn't afraid to challenge the system, and is willing to use the system - to fix the system. That isn't Trump - unfortunately for him. But yet - he may get elected.

For all of you out there, I am afraid to say, but I sincerely doubt that Donald J. will be your next President. However, the Cubbies are playing for the World Series and may win - so miracles (or disasters) can happen.
Come on Cubbies! Better late than never.
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