Standing up for Freedoms

So with the recent events in France last week, we see all sorts of people taking to the streets in countries around the world marching in solidarity - showing those terrorists that we won't be intimidated.

What lip service!  That's like marking your ballot with your eyes closed and telling everyone you voted!  It's like taking a shower while wearing a raincoat!  Millions of people marching down the street shouting "We are Charlie".  Many of these same people have never read or purchased one of these magazines, nor will they.  Self-serving - making themselves feel like they accomplished something, when in fact they accomplished nothing!

This isn't telling radical muslims that we're opposed to their terrorist ways.  This is showing them how 3-4 terrorists can affect an entire nation.  Do you think the Jihadists are watching France saying "Wow 4 million people are marching in solidarity - let's back off and let them live in peace!" 

They already know Western civilization is doomed - it's just a matter of time.  The only - and slight chance we have is if the Jihadists awaken the sleeping left wing giant and we start to do something about our complacency.

All this is simply chest-thumping and breast-beating, - a public show for the masses. Yet, for all their solidarity, how many publications have published satirical Mohammed or Islam-based cartoons in the past week or so - the very thing that those French cartoonists died for?  So many of these journalists and publication are cowards - but they are fine with publishing the regular anti-Semitic or anti-Christian cartoon now.  Christians and Jews don't kill for freedom of the press!

Let me try to explain in more detail
North American's have become fat, lazy and complacent.  We take everything for granted that our forefathers fought and died for.  Our freedoms - have become an expected parts of our lives.  
Most people accept everything they are told to be facts, They question nothing and those that do are ridiculed and ostracized as bigots.

Have you ever witnessed a crime or accident and passed on by?  A man or lady or even a teenager got hurt and you drove by?  A person on the side of the road with a flat and you drove by?  When was the last time you stopped to see if a person in distress was in need of help?  When was the last time you told your teenage son NO - you can't go out - stay home and study?

But there's more - oh yes so much more. 

Take the 'green' movement as an example - don't anyone use facts or numbers showing that the earth isn't really getting red hot, or the Polar Icecaps didn't melted away like a former US Vice president claimed.  If you question the 'Environmental cause' you will be ridiculed and your claims ignored.  If you disagree - you are wrong - you do not - nor are you entitled to - an opinion.
We've been brainwashed to accept it and fall back.

Lets talk about abortion.  Few people speak out publicly about this mass genocide anyone because it isn't politically correct.  People have been brainwashed - women in particular - that "it's my body, it's my choice."  Never mind the old adage "do the crime, do the time".. or even better - being responsible for your actions - MY GOD - responsibility - we can't have that in our Left Wing Utopia.  Don't you dare have an opinion - unless it's the accepted one! Society has deemed it unsafe to think for yourself!!!
Again, we accept it and withdraw.

And Lord knows - it's fine to insult Christians in newspapers, but my God don't you dare insult the Muslims.  Other than this low-end Paris rag, how many Canadian and American newspapers, magazines, comedians, TV satires or opinion pieces have you seen satirizing Mohammed - not many, but you can find a daily occurrence of Christians being insulted - and we take it.
And yet again, we accept it and fall back some more.

There are so many more examples:  People on a toboggan, sledding down a hill clearly marked 'NO Sledding',  hitting a tree and then successfully suing the city.  People drinking hot coffee, and then suing the restaurant.  A man allowed to sue Air Canada because the stewardess mistook a 7-Up for a Sprite - claiming she couldn't speak French.  A person heading into work - cutting across a snowbank and through 3 ft of snow to avoid 30 ft of extra walking, and when they fall and hurt themselves, look for time off work claiming the path not being clearly marked.  Our court system needs to wake up! 

We are so obsessed with people being offended - that we can almost say nothing without offending someone.  Mostly people are not offended, but rather the various movements are - and they tell their members that they should be offended. These 'movements' are well organized and well run by people in the political world, and they always have ulterior motives. The "Happy Holiday's" movement (Let's turn Christmas into a generic, non-denominational, shopping spree). Don't fool yourselves - there may not have been an organized staff and group behind it, it was a movement and still is.  And it gets worse every year.  I wonder if Muslims would allow their society to change Ramadan into "The Holidays"?
But yet again, we capitulate, and fall back.

But wait - there's more:  It slices, it dices, it does Julienne fries - it's our freedoms and rights - and NO dammit - they are not the same!  We've earned our freedoms through blood, sacrifice, sweat, tears and hard freaking work.  Our rights were simply given to us - and they have less value than what we've earned.  Right that were given can be taken away, but - freedoms - once EARNED - cannot be revoked so easily.  Like the car you were given or the car you had to save for - which has more value?

To paraphrase a famous actor and a very wise man, Patrick Stewart:  "The line must be drawn here, this far - no farther."  We need to question everything.  Accept nothing until you've proven - beyond the shadow of a doubt - that it is true or false.  And then we must fight the falsehoods.  Don't simply pass it off - fight it - as hard as your Father or Grandfather fought in the World Wars for YOUR freedoms.
"The line must be drawn here, this far - no farther."

I'm not saying take to the streets either in passive marches - like the self-serving,  back-slapping ones in France - I'm saying fight this acceptance of everything - peacefully - but aggressively.  Use words, discuss, argue if needed.  Help people to open their eyes.  Don't be afraid to admit you are wrong if this is the case - but don't back down if you are right. We can only win if we beat and utterly demolish complacency, laziness and acceptance of everything. Help when needed, give when needed, take when needed.. but no more backing down, no more retreat!!!

As former President Ronald Reagan once said "Trust but verify".

Our Fathers and Grandfathers may be looking down at us now shaking their heads wondering how we let - what they fought and died for - fall into such decay!!!


  1. Everything you say is true .Take television issued to the mass,s .All to engross us in a fantasy world while we are manipulated and fed lies.We are more interested in what,s happening in our favourite episode of our soap opera .We care more about that than what,s happening in the real world. We need to wake up !


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