Why Canadians should worry

For those who are 'Pro-Choice' you really need to read this article:


This is where the "Pro-Choice" movement had led us. The utter lack of regard for human life now is complete in relation to children. Not only is abortion now 'considered acceptable' but murdering an infant is separate from murdering a child or a teenager or an adult. and is barely even a crime!!!

It's not enough that "Pro-Abortionists" have gotten our society to almost look the other way every time a baby is murdered inside the womb, now we are supposed to accept infanticide as a result of a Mother having a depression after child birth.

I'm not saying this doesn't happen - it does. I'm saying that a 3 year suspended sentence for KILLING a child and disposing of her baby in a garbage bag is ridiculous and the precedent has now been set by this Judge.

So lets see if I got this right?

A woman gets pregnant ... maybe her life isn't the best - but instead of looking for an adoption agency, or foster parents or any other number of support groups - which are free and available - she chooses to have the baby alone.

Once the baby is born, she changes her mind, and decides (whether in her right mind or not) she should kill this child - and for this she gets a 3 year suspended sentence, cause the baby is only a few minutes old, and she was under stress!!!

While I feel postpartum syndrome is real - it can't be used as an excuse for murder - there are tons of support groups out there, and she or anyone can turn to them for help. But despite all the options available to her, she chose murder as her only resort. And the judge - this bleeding heart, left wing, granola crunching, tree hugging, liberal ideologist agrees with her and gives her a 3 year suspended sentence?

What the judge is saying through this sentence is "It's Okay to kill your new-born child, because in Canada, nobody is responsible for their actions anymore!" There is always an excuse, or some stress related issue, or some fact that makes people do things they don't normally do.

Wait there's more stupidity involved here.

She was sentenced to spend 16 days in jail for disposing of the child's body in a degrading manner.


We should be up in arms!
- Colin


  1. I couldn't agree more. Its sickening and disgusting how much disregard Canada {with these precedent setting, liberal type moronic idiots at the helm of decision making} has for life and decency. It continues to go further and further downhill. 40 days for life is beginning....its time people get off their fences and asses to fight the good fight. Its too easy to sit on sidelines nit wanting to judge or get involved...good for you for taking a stand on this.

  2. While I share your outrage, you are directing it at the wrong place. This law has been on the books for many years; the judge has no choice but to apply it. I disagree with her suspending the sentence, but I am more outraged that this infanticide law is even on the books. there are better ways of dealing with post-partum syndrome than treating its consequences so lightly.



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