We live in interesting times

On September 17th, in New York, a group of protesters unknowingly began a movement that has spread - as of today - across the entire Globe. While it was hoped that this message would spread, I don't think even the organizers realized how big it would become.

Today - October 15th - there are more than 170 cities across the globe with people marching against 'big banks, big bankers, big money and government governing for the rich and big business'.

Mark these days on your calendars folks, they will become a big part of global history.

While - the people involved in the march and protests are firm in their message, they really have no specific agenda. Sort of an ambiguous march saying, "we're tired of governments governing for the wealthy and well off, while 99% of the people are ignored".

Its almost a symbolic protest, unlike past protests with a specific agenda, this one is partially vague, but yet has the power to change the entire democratic and capitalist ways of governing.

The don't really have a set plan, these people - and there are hundreds of thousands of them, just know that the system currently in place isn't working - and will lead to disaster.

The only problem I have with this whole thing is this: - it's bound to turn ugly and get violent somewhere - It always does! Once it becomes violent, the media, both mainstream and backdoor - will report on the violence rather than the reason for the march/protest in the first place.

But make no mistake, this may in fact accomplish something that our current system cannot.

Here are a few links for those of you who want to know whats happening across this planet.
Watch carefully, things will change quickly, and change is rarely pleasant:





Make a mental note, or a tick on your calendar about this day, nothing like this has ever happened before!
