Another Rant!

Okay, clearly I'm not a Pro-gay activist. But I'm not homo-phobic either. I believe that Humans should be recognized as human beings - simply men and women. Their sexual desires (preferences) or behaviors should be their own and not public information - and the way it seems to be going - a behavior to be idolized.

All Canadian 'human beings' have the same rights and freedoms granted to them by the Charter of Rights. Sexuality should not be separate.

Last week 10,000 people watched the Pride parade. This isn't a problem! I love a parade - I just don't think Ottawa City council should be spending tax-payers money on them. On top of the 10,000 people, an additional 900 floats and about 3,000 people participated in this event. So in essence about 13,000 people of the almost 1 million residents of Ottawa were involved - or 1.3 percent of the city populace.

Now before any readers go all nuthouse, I'm also opposed to the City spending $100,000 on a Gazebo for a seniors centre. I'm opposed to Ontario Hydro paying extreme amounts of cash for solar power they don't need. I'm opposed to governments spending wads of cash on lavish public events of any nature.

Personally, I don't think the city should be handing money out for any public celebration and that includes parades. Taxes are high enough, we're taxed to the hilt and yet politicians think they can just hand over this cash for all sorts of public events. Public events - especially those that charge admission - should be self-sufficient - stand on their own merit and not ask or receive handouts.

But now what bothers me even more- is that Ottawa City councilor Diane Holmes wants to segregate a section of Bank Street as a Gay/Lesbian village. I don't get it! City council will end up killing the businesses that are not catering to the gay and lesbian community, and how much money will it cost to decorate with rainbows "as she wants to" and recreate an atmosphere in this section of Bank Street. Is this something tax-payers should be handing money out for?

Not only have her own recent studies shown that this isn't wanted by the residents there, but the Bank Street merchants - for the most part - don't want any labels added.

Lets get smart here! Our infrastructure (which affects everyone) is falling apart. OC Transpo is losing money hand-over-fist and has forced cut backs on routes and drivers. Our City Police Department could use some extra cash and maybe the ambulance or emergency paramedics would like a financial boost.

I'm sure there are some families in Ottawa that could use a new rent-control shelter or maybe the food-banks could use some extra cash?

The parade and section of Bank Street are just more examples of how wasteful government has become. They don't even think twice about how much things cost before dolling out the cash.

Now while it's true that direct funding to Pride parade organizers was cancelled in 2010 - both Federally, provincially and municipally, The Pride Organizers have the City of Ottawa listed as a major sponsor and major partner in 2 locations on their website. These sponsorships are not free! They require either a cash or services payment in return - so what did the city of Ottawa sponsor with?

If it was with services, then we are paying the employees involved. If it was with money, then tax-payers are again on the hook.

So in reality, they are not directly handing out a subsidy - such as in the past. Publicly, they are trying to show how responsible they are with tax-payers money - yet privately, they still appear to be handing out freebies to an organization that offends many peoples beliefs which is contrary to their own rules and regulations.

This is a quote from the City of Ottawa policy on handing out services or subsidies:

The following will be ineligible for funding:

  • Individuals
  • Educational or religious institutions
  • Private functions, lunches or dinners
  • Political organisations and events run by them
  • Programs that denigrate, exclude, offend parts of the community****
  • Programs that present a hazard to the community
  • Interstate or overseas travel
  • Events of primarily political or religious nature ****
  • Administration costs and fund raising costs
  • Events that have already occurred or will occur prior to notification of the outcome to the application
  • Programs within the legislated mandate of other governments or City departments
  • Organizations which act primarily as a funding source for other groups
  • For profit organizations or ventures
*** I see several areas in which the Pride-parade and this allocation of an area of the city designated Gay/Lesbian do simply not qualify for city funds or additional services. In fact I see these areas where many events shouldn't get funding or support.

Now, I don't even live in Ottawa anymore (I moved out for many of these reasons), but this kind of "Stupidity" is rampant in all levels of government and - in my opinion - the main reason we have billion of dollars in yearly deficits, an even bigger national debt and why we are so over-taxed.

It seems that governments are out to try and please all of the people all of the time, and willing to spend enormous amounts of cash to do it. They just don't get it do they?


  1. I don't see that the pride parade violates anything there Colin. I personally agree with the city and school board participating as it is still a big issue with bigotry. The potliticians and civic institues at this time need to be seen to be highly supportive. This won't last though and at some point overt city support will not and should not be given but we are a long way I think from that point.

  2. I agree with you. TheN why not also a singles village, A straight village, an Unmarried womens village....he'll we could have a Cheaters village since there's enough of those around. We can have a section of Otttawa designated for every race, gender, orientation, employment status, marital status, nationality, language, etc....

    Diane Holmes is a moron. She has always been a weak city councillor and she annoys me at every turn. What on earth is she thinking? Is she going to move businesses that don't want to attach themselves to any label? Or will they just close their doors?

  3. I sent Diane Holmes an email advising her that I would not spend a red cent in this 'village' if she continues with this agenda. The people in this ward need to make sure she never gets re-elected and put their collective feet down before she has a chance to continue wasting time and money.



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