At the end of the Second World War, Canada boasted one of the best militaries on the planet, and were instrumental in stopping Hitler and Nazism from dominating Europe and perhaps more.
We had an army of over 175,000 soldiers, the third and fourth largest navy and air-force on the planet. But Liberal dominated governments, left wing propaganda and more money being put into social services, has left us with an army of under 70,000 soldiers, and a severely depleted navy and air-force.
In 1944, our country had 12 Million citizens and an army second to none. In 2011, we are closing in 40 Million people and an army less than one-third the size of the one 67 years ago. Our navy has a number of Frigates that are years past their prime, our CF-18 fighter/bombers are 10 years over the due date of replacement. Our subs are a joke, and our land vehicles are not built for the type of terrorist-style road-side bombs that have killed so many.
Yet, the comments we hear all over the news is about NOT spending money on new fighter jets, instead lets spend the money on more social services and make Canadians softer than we already are.
These pundits cry foul every time the government announces some money being spent of replacing aging and out dated equipment.
All these people who want the fighter jets scrapped, and think that we shouldn't upgrade our Sea-King helicopters, our ground support vehicles and navy - should think again. We owe our freedoms, our way of life, if not our very lives to our military.
While there seems to be no Hitler reincarnated on the horizon, few people back in the mid-to-late 1930's would have imagined the Second World War would have been as ruthless as is was. None could have imagined concentration camps existed. Nobody expected the mine fields, unexpected attack on Pearl Harbour, Nuclear oblitaration of 2 Japanese cities, the invasions of Poland, France, North Africa or even Korea and Vietnam.
The fact of the matter is that we really don't who the next dictator or despot bent on destruction or world domination is. Other than Pinky and the Brain - the next Bin-Laden could pop up and any moment, the next Hitler could be residing in China for that matter.
Yet these are the very things we are fighting today. Oppression, terrorism, nuclear threats, and the countless atrocities by dictatorships and depots on their own people. This is all on top of electronic sabotage and computer hacking from foreign countries.
Yet, some left-wing, granola crunching, socialist Canadians say, we don't need new fighter jets, we don't need to put more money into our military, we should spend the money on social programs. While I'm all for having a safety net, I really don't think we need to make it into a big comfy bed.
And I really think our work in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya, plus our countless peacekeeping missions all over the planet in not in vain. If the people shouting for no new jets had their way, we'd be flying ultra-lights and using row boats (would please environmentalists for sure).
I'm sure the countless women who now have some amount of freedoms in Afghanistan would agree. The citizens in Libya who are alive and well thanks to Nato intervention thus far would also agree. NOT!!!
The world is a dangerous place, being defenseless on this planet is a bad idea! Ignoring the plight of innocents is a bad idea. Does anyone with half a brain think NATO or the USA would come to our aid if we pulled out of all these missions, or failed to keep our NATO commitments?
Come on people! Lets voice our opinions on the side of our army, our navy, our air-force. These people deserve the best equipment we can supply, and the best protection for them while they are on dangerous missions to keep our country safe.
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