Do our Politicians Believe themselves?

So we have a Federal election upcoming in May. Since this election was based on a non-confidence motion brought forward by the opposition, there is little time for politicians to campaign. A scant 30 some days from now, we will be heading to the polling booths to - once again - cast our ballots for the new government.

Since there is so little time to campaign, these guys are already in full swing. Doing the same thing they've done time and time again. Spending their campaign donations and their own funds in the hope that they can sway a few extra votes their way and retain or earn a new job for 4 more years (or less).

The Conservatives knew this was coming - one way or another - and I secretly think they wanted it. They have been running attack ads since mid January (in some cases earlier). They have all their candidates in place and ready with their signage. And while they could have taken the chance that the Budget would have been voted down, I believe they misled parliament on the costs associated with the new prison and incarceration bills to force a non-confidence vote.

Look at who they put as party leader - John Baird - one of the most outspoken politicians of our time.... and one of the most hated by other politicians. This was bound to cause a few ruffled feathers.

It's also no surprise to either the Liberals or NDP either. One way or another they were bringing down the house last week and they knew it. Less than 24 hours after the writ was dropped, NPD signs littered the roads. TV, newspaper and radio interviews and ads were going before we knew what hit us!

Even the fringe Green Party was ready. While really NOT a party by definition, their signs were strewn across the highway the same day as the non-confidence motion was ushered in. Not very Green of them I might add... all that wasted paper, vinyl and core-plast!

However, I can't help but wonder if they prepared all their believable lies in advance also.

The Conservatives have everyone believing that Iggy headed up a dreadful coalition government using the hated Bloq Quebecois and NDP as his best buddies - --- it NEVER happened. No coalition government was ever formed..... The idea of a coalition government was meant to scare the Tories into complying with Grit and NDP demands in the house - and it worked. The coalition was never formed, rules and back-room deals were struck and the bills got passed.... everyone was happy except for PM Harper. He had to give into Liberal demands - "it wasn't going to happen twice" I imagine he said to himself and his party!

The Liberals have been hard at it also. They have people convinced that those darn Tories have a hidden agenda (this is what politicians say when they really have no ammunition). They have people thinking that the Tories are wasteful spenders (the fighter jet deal) and underhanded liars.

What they avoid saying is that the fighter jet deal was signed by the Liberals and put into motion in 1997 as part of an agreement with NATO and the United States. The purchase and building of the jets was bid on - and the contract conditionally awarded. The F-35 fighter jet has been in the works since.

However, the words 'ad-scam' have been stricken from the new Liberal dictionary.... not to mention the Liberal switch to buy votes in Quebec City.

What's that you say "You heard nothing about this in the main-stream media"? It seems that PM Harper said NO to Federal money for a new NHL calibre arena in Quebec ... and was raked over the coals in Parliament about buying Quebec votes a few months ago... but Iggy, last week - in a visit to Quebec City - said he would be willing to spend Federal money on a new arena IF they added a convention centre to the plan and if he was elected.

This was 1 week before the election was called. Not underhanded at all Iggy!!!

What about the NDP - Well Jacko has told reporters he was never involved in the 2005 talk with Stevie about forming a coalition government to bring down Mr. Martin (former - short-lived Prime Minister of Canada). According to Leyton it was all Harpers fault - but again, no coalition government was ever formed then either and the NDP voted with the Tories back then to bring down the house!

According to Leyton, he was never involved in any back-room dirty dealings with Harper or even with the Liberals recently. His party must have accidentally stood up just when the speaker asked for nay votes both in 2005 and in 2011. Maybe he sneezed and his party was concerned for his health and all stood up to check him out.

Can't really say much else, good or bad about the NDP, they have done little or nothing since their inception!

By the way, for those curious, the NDP was born in Saskatchewan - you know - the province they didn't earn a single seat in during the last election! How about that for No-confidence?

Lets just ignore The Bloq altogether shall we?

And the Greenies - Lets see how can we save the planet and destroy the country all in the same motion?

Today's news has to be the funniest I've heard in a while ... the new Liberal platform is to raise Corporate taxes from the current level (about 14%) to 16%. This way they can raise an additional 6 Billion $ which they will then spend on New Federal Programs and tax saving measures. The funny part was what I heard in a radio interview from a Liberal speaker. When asked about this his words were "The loss of jobs from higher corporate taxes will be easily offset by the rise in spending when people realize they have more available money".

Do they realize - that after all is said and done, my share of this 6Billion $ is about $40. The balance is going to seniors and new programs. Yes.... I'm going to run out and spend my new$40 tomorrow! Wait- thats only a little more than $3.00 a month.

History has shown that Government and corporate revenues increase when taxes are reduced.... Every time corporate taxes have been reduced either in Canada or more recently in Ireland and Great Britain, the government has actually earned more tax revenues.

Well - without getting too in depth.... Less corporate taxes = more corporate revenue. More revenue = newly created or filled jobs, and more available jobs = more employed people which in turn means these people get off welfare and UI and become buyers - creating even more employment etc.

While its true that not all drops in corporate taxes creates new jobs, the opposite is true... higher corporate taxes actually reduces employment and thereby reduces overall spending and puts more strain on our fragile economy.

The Conservatives had planned to further drop corporate taxation to 12% with this budget! Nuff said.

Overall, I think all these politicians are starting to believe their own propaganda. Harper is harping on the non-existent coalition, Iggy on the imaginary hidden agenda and untrustworthy Conservatives and Jackie on his "I'm pure as the driven snow in the Yukon" rhetoric.

All I can say is that there are fundamental differences in the three main parties thinking.

The Conservatives believe that Canadians are better at running their lives than the government and anything the government can do, the private sector can do better.

The Liberals believe that they can run our lives better than we can (and in some cases are right) and that anything the private sector can do, the public sector can do better.

The NDP believe we should all eat granola every day, never pray, and only believe in fundamental "political correctness". Social bliss - regardless of what's happening around the planet - and oh ya - "disband the military while we're at it".

The Green party believes in nothing but removing CO2 from the atmosphere at all costs. No cars allowed, sell all our oil and we can all become farmers and use hand driven plows and cows to till the soil. Lets create a 100% agrarian population.

And The Bloq doesn't really know what they believe in. Some of them believe they are fighting for a sovereign state and some believe they are getting paid to sit and argue with the elected government, but that Quebec separation is dead.

I only wish they would all believe that they DO NOT have an INHERENT GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO OUR MONEY!
