Multiculturalism - Canada's Massive Fail

If someone would have told our founding fathers, in 1867, that Canada, 134 years later, would be on a profound trip to erode the fabric of our country, I wonder if they would have continued their journey? If I were in their shoes I would have said "The heck with this, I'm gonna go grab a beaver pelt, cook up some back bacon and return to the old country."

When I say eroding, I don't only mean Multiculturalism, but much, much more. The left wing movement is attempting to transform us into a nation of politically correct, accept all, judge nothing, patsies. Multiculturalism is only the tip of the iceberg, but its a big tip.

Multiculturalism has several levels associated with it. The most basic level is simply the understanding and acceptance of each others culture. This should be the Canadian level of it all. Understanding and appreciation of our cultural differences - a basic acceptance of each others culture! However, the 1970's and early 1980's Liberal governments under Pierre Trudeau and John Turner and later the Conservatives - under Brian Mulroney, decided to indoctrinate this into our constitution - therefore make it law.

It has been enshrined into our laws through the 1982 Constitution, the 1988 Multiculturalism Act and our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms. yet it has become an utter failure, recognized as a failure privately, but endorsed publicly. And it has gotten out of hand! Entire government departments inside government agencies have been created to share our 'cultural differences'. Slogans such as "Strength through diversity" have begun popping up all over.

Due to these laws, we have seen outrageous events occur. Immigration has skyrocketed. In fact, Canada wants 300,000 new immigrated people a year to settle in our country. This in itself is not a problem. If we had 300,000 doctors, dentists, lawyers, and professionals come here, immigration would be a success. But we don't just get these people. Instead we see people wearing disguises enter our nation on a jet and NOT sent back. I won't get into specifics, but simply put, our nation has become a place where refugees and terrorists alike can feel at home.

Recently, we have witnessed 3 Sikhs attempt to enter The Quebec Legislative Assembly wearing Kirpans (daggers). This caused an uproar in Multicultural circles. Thankfully, more intelligent thought won the day, and these ceremonial daggers are now outlawed in the QNA, effective February 9th, 2011. Needless to say, any message these individuals intended to share with the rest of us, has been buried under an avalanche of outrage by Quebec government officials - and rightly so.

Again, an example of Multiculturalism at it's finest. We are supposed to understand and encourage people of all nationalities and religions and ignore their history, and look past these weapons they may carry with them. Somehow, this event has caused an uproar in circles claiming that Quebec officials are treading on a way of life. (I don't see how NOT carrying a dagger - would make a person's life worse!)

A day or two ago, parliament started debating a bill forcing people to have uncovered faces when dealing with government officials. Of course, some left wing 'pro-multicultural' group started spouting 'racism' within minutes of the announcement. However - our elected officials stood strong (kudos) and stated that "when voting or dealing with people who need to confirm people's identity, there is no room for veils or face coverings."

But these are not isolated instances, just the most recent. In the past few years we have witnessed a young man carry a Kirpan into a school claiming it's his religious right. We have seen an RCMP officer refuse to wear the RCMP head attire opting instead for his turban while at work. There are so many more examples - I could fill a few pages - so I won't.

We are encouraged to accept other cultures ideas of forced marriage, forcing women to wear veils over their faces and loose garments to hide their bodies from men's eyes. Accepting these cultural practices goes against all that Canada, the men and women who fought and died for us over the past 100 years - have stood for - Freedom.

This week three European countries have dropped their Multi-cultural platforms, citing simply too many cultural differences to make it work. Germany being the most notable. Now, while Canada is far from being European or Germany, ignoring these events is as dangerous as Neville Chamberlain ignoring the Nazi movement just prior to the second world war.

This isn't a white vs the rest thing - nor is it Christian vs every other religion. This has absolutely nothing to do with racism or religion .... It's just plain logic. Multiculturalism hasn't worked in a single country in history. The Roman empire, the Greeks, The Spanish Empire, the British Empire, and more. Sooner or later their cultural differences drove them apart and made them open and vulnerable.

By accepting everyones beliefs, we open the door to every type of acceptance. If we accept one culture type, then, according to the Multiculturalism doctrine, we must accept all other cultures. There is a growing Nazi movement in The States, and Communism is far from being dead - should we be understanding of them? How about those who worship Satan, or those who start their own religion? How far does it expand? Are there boundaries to our acceptance? Do we honour the KKK and their white supremacist values, or maybe the Mafia - they have their own culture doesn't they?

In my opinion, if a person immigrates into our country they need to follow Canadian rules and values, our government should not be changing these conditions to suit anyone. Adapt to the Canadian way of life - its really just that simple. What is done behind closed doors - in the privacy of a person's home is private to an extent. Obviously violence and other illegal activities are not acceptable anywhere!

I'm not talking about going to church, or following religious or cultural values - so long as these values don't encourage violence, force a loss of freedoms, or break any Canadian laws, there should be no issues at all. This should apply to ALL religions, and all cultures. ANY person in Canada is free to follow what ever religion they choose to.. and so long as their religious beliefs do not break the laws, these freedoms are granted to each of us.

But simply put, if a person comes to Canada as a refugee, they are fleeing not only the oppression of their 'former' country, but also their beliefs and laws, once entering Canada, they are OBLIGED to follow Canadian rules and Canadian culture.
