Sorry, I'm Sorry, Oops Sorry 'Bout That

I read in the local daily newspaper today that Canada's National Police force, the RCMP, have issued apologies to Muslim leaders for doing their dastardly police work (arresting bad guys) during the holy period of Ramadan.

Those rascal RCMP took advantage of this holy period and arrested 3 people suspected of plotting terrorist acts in the Nations Capital. The RCMP must have forgotten that terrorists relent from their evil-law breaking ways - and become holy citizens of God, forgiving and kind to humanity. They donate to charities, feed the poor, clothe the cold, heal the sick and homeless, turning the other cheek and so much more during this time.

What will this group of rogue cops do next? They might arrest a B&E suspect in the Glebe - or - Heaven forbid, attempt to stop a drunk driver on St. Patrick's Day. Wonder if they will visit every Irish pub that night, apologizing in advance to all the Irish.

Why has it come to this?

This is direct result of several things: Political Correctness, Multiculturalism and our dwindling Canadian self-confidence in all things NOT hockey related.

As Canadians, we feel it necessary to apologize to everyone for just about everything. Picture a random person walking down a random hallway in a random shopping mall. Someone else turns a random corner and almost bumps into them. "I'm sorry" one of them will randomly say.

Sorry for typing 'random' so much.

Sorry for what I ask? Walking? Going to the mall? Shopping? Almost bumping into the other person? Imagine if they had collided? The more apologetic of the two would be instantly running to Tim Hortons to buy the other an apologetic coffee.

As Canadians we are sorry for everything - at all times... except when we get behind the wheel of a car. Unless that middle finger salute has now become a way of saying "Hey dude, sorry you cut me off, " or "Sorry you forgot to stop at that Stop Sign".

Sorry for being humorous!

Unfortunately, we're not sorry enough for our ever-increasing politically correct country. Political Correctness has gone from being a simple method of watching what we say, to a virus-like lifestyle where every word, every action has to be thoroughly curtailed -and it's infecting every action and word we say, print and hear. And every public statement is rife with political correctness.

Soon, the first 5 minutes of every speech will require us to apologize and acknowledge everyone. I can see it now!

"Mr. Speaker, I would like to address my fellow Liberals and Progressive Conservatives, and NDPers ... in fact all Canadians, and Aboriginal peoples, and Immigrants to our fair country, and gays and lesbians, heterosexual, and colored people, and white people, and Oriental people, and Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Moon Worshipers, Polygamists, Monogamists, people with big feet and people with little feet, and people who have middle-ear problems..., we come together, oh ... and people with enlarged ears, and people with big noses and small noses, together we can form 1 great country, subdivided into 7569 different subsections and our diversity will make us rich, oh .. and people who worship cows, sheep, and even the Toronto Maple Leafs, yes,,, Mr. Speaker we must include them in our wonderfully diverse country... And I'm sorry for everyone I forgot ... Oh crap I forgot what I was going to say."

The worst part is the cost - both in dollars and in our attitude. The federal and provincial governments and most - if not all -crown corporations have a diversity department. What do they do? They spend tax-payers money making the employees feel good about their ability to say "I'm sorry" to everyone, under the guise of 'understanding other cultures and their diverse life-styles.

Canadians used to be admired around the world for our toughness. Now we call the army when Toronto gets 30 CM of snow in a weekend.

Okay, bad example! I'm sorry!

Sill our National cops feel the need to apologize to all Muslims when the RCMP arrest a few terrorists. This is really going overboard! Even Muslim leaders across the country called it one heck of a publicity stunt.

Will they apologize to all Christians when a Catholic is arrested during Easter? How about Buddha? And what about fringe religions .... those who worship Tim Horton's coffee, or Star-bucks! Have they apologized to the Amish for laughing at their beards during Second Christmas?

Has our society gone so far left-wing that we must apologize to everyone for everything?

Well - we are Canadian!

And ... Sorry Russia for letting you win the World Juniors!
