Sad State of Affairs

A few entries ago I wrote about how indifferent people have become to each other and each other's plights.

Everyday I see around me - people concerned about their 'personal space', overwhelmed with their own life's events, and situations. Not that I am without empathy, but some of these people need to open their eyes to the world around them.

I started blogging about a month ago in an effort to renew my writing skills. I, more-or-less, stopped writing when I closed the newspaper "The Informer". Since getting into the printing and graphics industry, writing became something of a part-time, past-time. I would write the occasional letter to the local or city newspaper, send my Mayor or MP a letter, perhaps write to the new President of the Baseball Association, but nothing of any real substance.

When I started the blog, I noticed that Google could put ads on the side of the blog space, and each ad click would be logged and an advertising fund was created. Now, there's not a lot of money involved, and never will be, but with a bit of effort, and some publicity, could generate a few hundred dollars.

"What a great way to raise some funds for the food bank", I thought. This being at Christmas time, and the Food Bank begging for funds and donations.

To make a long story a tiny bit shorter, I made a bet for a case of beer, did some minor publicity in a game I play, put my blog on Facebook and sent a few emails. I stated that ad revenue would be donated to the local food bank.

Since at heart - I'm a believer in the good nature of humanity - I assumed that people would, for the sake of a mouse click, visit and read this blog, check out any of the ads, and help me make a donation to the Aylmer Food Bank.

What has transpired from this is amazing. And seriously putting my faith in humankind in jeopardy. I posted on a game forum about this, and the comments have been nothing short of insulting.

Everything from being accused of being a flim-flam artist, to being greedy and trying to make millions of dollars for myself. Since most of these people don't know me, I will forgive them for their indifference - and the only thing I stand to gain from all this - is a tax donation receipt (lol).

However, the lack of concern for our fellow man is concerting - those comments just show how our society has changed over the years. I remember stories my father told me about growing up in the 1930's and 1940's post and pre-war era's - how they knew all their neighbors and would help each other if necessary. I won't recant any of the stories here at this moment, but needless to say, people would communicate and be willing to help each other out if needed.

Let me ask, and please answer yourselves honestly - how much do you know anything about your neighbors? Are any of them in financial hurt, do any of them have a debilitating disease, any of them have a drug or alcohol problem?

The last time you saw a car overheated or stalled on the road did you stop and offer assistance? When you last went shopping did you see an older person in need of help carrying their purchases, did you help?

I find, upon personal examination, I am guilty of some of these things. I find that occasionally I don't stop for a stalled car on the road-side, or other things I should do to help. I won't get into details, but I think we all need to step out of our 'personal space' once and a while and look around.

This world has become what we have made it. A place where digital communication has replaced talking. One where we read about the plight of people but do nothing about it. I realize we can't help everyone, but have we helped anyone?

Lets all make this world a better place to live though out actions and our words.
