Adding Fuel to the Fire

Environment Canada today reported that 2010 was the warmest year on record since they starting keeping records in the 1940's.

This undoubtedly will give a new-found spark to activists across the nation. While they will throw more 'doom and gloom, global-warming' fuel on an already hot debate, they will also ignore any additional findings that may serve to dispel global warming. This has been the trend for the past few years.

Environmentalists and global warming activists use any scientific fact that fits their "cause-celeb", while ignoring or dispelling any other evidence to the contrary. Remember the 1980's and the approaching ice-age, according to some scientists and doom-and-gloom screechers?

The fact remains, we are still not sure whether the planet is going through a warming trend, and if it is happening, why?

Today's report, while significant, lacks any real credence towards a warming trend. I would consider this more of a significant fact if the country has been in a warming trend for the past 5-10 years, but the fact remains that 2010 was an anomaly, not part of a trend.

Consider this: 2010 was the warmest year on record (in Canada), however, the previous warmest year in Canada was 1998! What about the 12 years in between? If this is a trend towards global warming, shouldn't we be seeing warmer temperatures year-after-year?

Seeing as how Canada is NOT the entire world nor the centre of the planet, looking at world temperatures over the past 12 years might give us a clearer indication of the global warming trends.

According to the National Space and Science Technology Centre, which measure temperatures across the planet and at various altitudes, 2002 was significantly warmer most of the year until November at an altitude of 68,000 Feet (just under the ozone layer). However, from Mid-August until December, 2001 was much warmer.

Going a little closer to the surface, at 46,000 Feet (just above the average cruising altitude of jets), 2003 was the warmer of the years for the first part and 2002 warmest for the latter half of the year.

At 25,000 feet - which is perhaps one of the best levels to measure trends (due to lack of radiant heat from cities and factories, airports etc), the same facts appear - 2002, 2003 and 1998 show as the warmest years on record.

In fact, the only level where temperatures seem to be higher on average across the globe are at ground level. Unfortunately, real scientists dismiss these finding due to interference from cities, industry, homes, excessive asphalt and radiant heat from roofs of buildings, as well as other heat generating sources.

If one looks at the past 12 years the average temperature across the planet at all altitudes except ground level have fluctuated about 3-3.5 degrees with 2010 right smack-dab in the middle.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-environment, in fact quite the opposite. I just don't think one release of data in Canada should be enough for the 'doom-and-gloom, end-of-the-world environmentalists' to start spouting their prophecies. Canada already spends far too much of our tax dollars - at the expense of our economy - to be held hostage by the 'green' end of the spectrum.

Heck, scientists can't even agree whether Carbon Dioxide is the cause or result of global warming.

If anyone wants to learn more about what is 'happening' to our planet based on human interference, do a google search for 'Global Dimming'.

To end this blog, here's a few picture from the previous warmest year on record - 1998. Bring back any memories?
